
Whether you are an American citizen living abroad or a citizen of another country (including Canada), we are eager to provide you with information and resources that will help you with the admissions process and your transition to the U.S. and to ÃÛÌÒapp.

  • Phone: (616) 526-6106
  • Toll free: (800) 688-0122
  • Fax: (616) 526-6777
  • Email: intladm@calvin.edu
Inside international admissions
Student profiles

Student Profiles
Meet some of our current international students and get a better sense of what your own ÃÛÌÒapp experience might be like.

Parent profiles

Parent Testimonials
Read testimonials from parents of current international students at ÃÛÌÒapp.

International admissions team

International Staff
Meet our friendly staff—we’re excited to meet you and greet you to ÃÛÌÒapp!